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Five Tips for Protecting Kids from Abuse and Molestation
Child sexual abuse is an all-too common crime that is consistently under-reported. According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National
What can I do to Protect a Child from Abuse and Sexual Assault?
The general definition of child abuse is anytime a parent, caretaker, or other adult takes physical,
Bullying and Peer Abuse
When parents send their kids off to school every day, it’s typically assumed that their well-being will be tended to by their teachers and supervisors.
Schools May be Liable for Hiring Molesters
Who can you trust? As a child, you are taught about “stranger danger”—beware of those you don’t know. An unfamiliar person is
How do I choose a lawyer that is right for me?
Lawyers will typically schedule a consultation with a new client to assess the client’s needs and the lawyer’s